Specialist Expert Witnesses in Agricultural and Rural Environment
At Green's of Haddington, we can act as expert witness in civil and criminal proceedings, tribunals and appeals pertaining to rural and agricultural issues, relying on our extensive, first-hand experience in health and safety training, investigation and legislation.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Expert Witnesses Help You Attain the Best Possible Outcome
In the event of accidents, injuries and illnesses arising from your occupational environment, there is always the chance that claims may be made against you to compensate for the personal suffering and financial losses incurred. In such cases, the decision of the courts depends upon why the incident took place, who is found to be responsible, and if negligence played a role.
Whether we're supporting you in investigating the accident, or acting as expert witness for your legal team on the stand, we will apply our extensive knowledge and expertise to help ensure the best outcome for you.
What are some of the incidences that may require the instruction of an expert witness?
Management of health and safety at work
Issues relating to risk assessment
Falls from height
Exposure to noise
Handling and storage of hazardous substances
Crush injuries
Work-related illnesses
Alleged failure to comply with health and safety legislation
Incidents involving livestock
Incidents involving members of the public
How stress and psychological wellbeing is managed in your workplace
Contact Green's of Haddington Ltd to speak with our occupational health and safety expert witnesses about your case.
01620 829666